WHY RENT WHEN YOU CAN OWN…WITH SKY ROCKING RENTS IN MIAMI YOU CAN OWN A PRIME LOCATION COMMERICIAL BUILDING FIRST TIME ON THE MARKET ON ONE OF BUSIEST STREETS IN MIAMI . WITH 1000’S OF CARS PASSING BY EACH DAY THIS BUILDING AND THE POTENTIAL ARE ENDLESS. The interior space is open area and can be modeled to a new owns concept or desire. There is a beautiful open backyard in the rear . The building features a flag post signage in front that is grand- fathered on the property .
With the signing of Lionel Messi to play in Miami there is talk to build a new soccer stadium near to where this commercial property is located. Stay ahead of the curve buy for the future growth of the area and Miami
The building is zoned to add at least 1 floor.